DNA testing has been the greatest gift to the genealogy community since original documents became available online! A great many genealogical “brick walls” have been knocked down over the past 20 years thanks to the information DNA testing has given us. We hope to answer some questions you may have concerning the usefulness of DNA in the search for YOUR family history.
Our desire is to help you on your journey to learning more about your Rose family connections. We hope to do that by relating what We have learned as a genealogical researcher using information from DNA testing. We intend to do that by giving two examples of DNA testing related to the Rose families.
Disclaimer: We receive no compensation from any DNA testing company! We are making use of Family Tree DNA website material because We are the most familiar with this company (Some of us have been a customer since 2004) and have been a part of the Rose Family Association DNA Project since close to it’s beginning. Family Tree DNA was the testing company the Rose Family Association used for it’s DNA project.
There are three types of tests used in genealogical research