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Kilravock Castle
Original seat of the Clan Rose
A-listed 15th Century Castle
4 main reception rooms, 13 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms
Two adjoining 4 bedroom wings
9 estate cottages
Former hostel and games hall
Extensive policy grounds including an arboretum
Range of farm buildings
Trout fishing rights on the River Nairn
About 481.1 acres in all
A little note on pronunciation: Kilravock is pronounced “Kilrawk.”
The name originates from the old Scots Gaelic name “Cill Rathaig.” Kil or cill (pronounced “keel”) originally meant ‘cell, church’ from Old Irish cell, (ultimately from Latin cella) and now usually means ‘chapel, churchyard’ in modern Gaelic. The name “Kilravock” is place specific in that it originally referred to a church site associated with a fortified settlement during the time of St. Columba's life, sometime between the early 560's to the late 590's A.D. The believed church location is recorded as being in the area of Kilravock Castle's dovecote/ pigeon house. [Ref. HIGHLAND REGIONAL COUNCIL, ARCHELOGICAL SITES AND MONUMENTS RECORD, FIELD MONUMENTS, SITE CODE HNH84NW003 ]
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